The “improvised twister”

my children playing our improvised body twister gameIt’s a weeklong term break for students here in Singapore, and we have planned a set of fun activities for my energetic pre-schoolers.

Here’s our first project: our own version of the phenomenal BODY TWISTER GAME

(For those who are still not familiar with this game, check out->

This game requires physical skill, which I think, suitable for active kids like Ethan, Sofie and Zack.

materialsAside from your little assistant/s by your side, you will also need:

A mahjong paper, manila paper or a white cartolina

A medium-sized plate



our improvised twister mat


1. On a large paper, draw your desired number of circles in rows, using a medium-sized plate as a guide. The bigger the paper, the better for  kids to move around.

2. Remind your children to properly draw the circles on the mat, ask them to choose their favorite  shade, and color the circles away. Give them the freedom whichever circle they would like to color. You can also apply pattern coloring to reinforce your children’s logical thinking skills.

our improvised twister matour improvised twister mat








Now that your own version of twister mat is done, you may also improvise your own game mechanics. To determine which body part touches what color, here are my suggestions:

  • Draw lots
  • Drop the coin technique (drop the coin on the mat, to determine what color to touch)
  • Or you may use your quick thinking skills to direct your children what to do

my children playing our improvised body twister game

You can also think of a much more creative technique for this   game… Try adding fun and excitement by playing some background music or by adding obstacles on your twister mat (e.g. cover the circles with table napkins; blindfold the players; etc…)


We tried this at home with my children and their friends… the children can’t stop laughing!

Have fun playing with your kids!

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