Teaching your children how to read: starting with ‘AT’ sound

Please click to watch the video


What is your method in teaching your child how to read?

Was he a graduate of the “Brainy Baby” learning dvds,

or was self-taught, often seen playing a reading application in your iPAD,

or was an avid fan of the “Word World” episodes in Disney Junior during his toddler years?

My children were all of the above.

Apart from these modern teaching aids, I thought that it would be great if my children would remember me as the one who first taught them how to read. And so I said to myself, instead of giving them toys and SGDs, why not pamper them with ABCs and 123s? All of them can read now and I was proud of what I have accomplished.

Credit goes to Ms. Neo of PCF Tampines East 261 for honing Ethan’s reading skills. I’ve learned a tip from her school which I would like to share with you.

  1. Teach them the vowel sounds first (A E I O U)
  2. Teach them the consonant sounds (B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z)
  3. (here’s her tip:) Now if he already mastered all the sound in the alphabet, teach him the “AT” reading technique
  4. When he already can identify the “AT” sound, try to make him read a few three letter words that ends with “AT”

Here are my examples-






Please click here to watch Zack’s video of the  “AT” reading technique

Practice this tried and tested tip with your child. He will find reading a lot more easier. And by the time he mastered reading the “AT” combinations, he won’t be afraid to try reading the other sound combinations.

When your child can already read at a normal phase, encourage him to read a book, guide him if you have time, read along with him and play word games with him.

Here are some activities during the YUMIN Primary School’s reading carnival that you might want to try and improvise at home –

word games courtesy of CIVICA

word games courtesy of CIVICA @ Yumin Primary School


Ethan with Danica, playing one of the word games courtesy of CIVICA

Ethan with Danica, playing one of the word games courtesy of CIVICA @ Yumin Primary School


Here’s our own version of word hunt, I made use of an old paper with grid and write down some letters in each boxes-  (words and names)

word games - one of the ways to ease their boredom during the rainy days

one of the ways to ease their boredom during the rainy days


I was often told by my mom that “if a child loves reading, half of the battle has already won.” That’s true. It makes learning easier if your child loves to read.

And one more thing:

Thousands of teaching aids are now available everywhere.

Let’s make use of it.

How about you, do you have any reading tips that you what to share with us? We appreciate your comment!

This article was inspired by the Reading Carnival program sponsored annually by Yumin Primary School facilitated by CIVICA Library Solutions and Yumin’s Parents-Partners group.

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