When mommy is a best friend

At home, our children are our “best friends.” We also keep it that way. With this kind of arrangement, they are free to express whatever they want to say in the house. We get to know them better.

PicsArt_1390116433439Being best friends with them helped us identify and understand their changing likes and dislikes on certain matters; this made us aware of their maturing emotions. Being best friends with them also means that they will caught you off your guard; and in this case, you should be prepared to hear every single word they say. You have to assure them that it’s okay to tell , and you’re there to listen, you’re not just spying on them, you’re their best friend, remember?

In my present situation, I’ve already discovered a lot of secrets from my kids. Sometimes, I have to listen very patiently so that they won’t hesitate to tell me everything I need to know. And whether it’s good or bad, honestly, I’m enjoying it.

We were (supposed to be) napping the other day when my daughter cut the silence by asking me about a boy… a boy.
“Mommy, do you still remember Kevin?”
“He is the one who served our food in the plane, the one who gave me the stickers”
“Ah, Kevin, the flight attendant”
“Yes, Kevin the plane attendant! Can we call him mommy?”
“Because he’s handsome”

I’ve seen myself in her situation 26 years ago, but I’m afraid to tell a single soul about it. There’s no denying that she’s very comfortable saying these things to me, she’s almost six and she’s now having a “crush” and I am the first to know.

Here’s a conversation I had with my son the other day, who is now in Primary 1. He was overwhelmed with his feelings while telling me about a girl.
“Mom, there’s a girl classmate of mine who always tell me that she don’t like me”
“… she’s always making fun of my water bottle, color pencils, and she keeps on repeating my name behind my back”
“You can not concentrate on your seatwork, is that it?”
“No, I can concentrate! She just won’t stop!”

I told this to my husband, I’m afraid that my boy is being picked upon in school, by a girl.
But hubs only said one thing “she likes him.”
She does? I don’t remember seeing myself having that kind of liking. But it’s good to know.


That night, I speculate that my boys are having some “serious” talk because I heard them whispering in the corner of our room, I think they’re hiding a secret.
So I went there, I listened and when I can’t help it I pried… here’s the reply of my eldest son.

“Mommy I’m just telling Zack to stop falling in love”

I secretly chuckled. I had enough secrets that day. But I seriously hope that we remain this way until I grow old. It was amazing to have found some best friends in the form of my children. 🙂

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